Note: We see clients only by appointment.
Psych Seminal Sixty for Therapists
A Wholly Rejuvenating, Mind-Blowing, Networking Reading GrouP
Time: Sundays 4:30 to 6:00 or Wednesdays 8:30 to 10:00 for 6 weeks
Cost: $60/session ($360 total)
New Friends and Colleagues
Fresh Neural Networks
9 CEUs
Our eclectic menu will include chapters, articles, and excerpts from amazing thinkers in our field including Pia Melody, Nancy McWilliams, Babette Rothschild, and Lisa Ferentz.
Main course topics will include (and are not limited to) intimacy; grief; dissociation & trauma; neurology; and a personality disorder or two.
A sprinkling of Poetry, Fiction, Visual Art will add spice because we, your esoteric guides, were artists before we were therapists; and more importantly, because creativity (and laughter) enhance problem-solving.
60 pages every 3 weeks
Like food and wine pairings, our focus will include hearty and robust group discussion as well as handouts and additional information to assure easy translation to your work with clients.
Site- and Audience-Specific Workshops and Retreats...
Are available for corporate, educational, and community requests and include but are not limited to:
Happiness 101
Mindfulness and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
Mapping Internal Systems + Creative Arts
Fundamental of Relationships, both Personal and Professional
Creative Resilience
Re-Imagining the Body + Creative Self Care
Nov 2017
Dr. Catherine Boswell presented a webinar sponsored by the American Arthritis Foundation: Avoiding Common Caregiver Mistakes When Your Child Has Arthritis
December 2017
Dr. Catherine Boswell presented at the Hines Center for Spirituality and Prayer ( Stress and Relaxation: How to effectively handle stress and elicit the relaxation response
Summer 2016
Creative Resilience: A Summer Workshop for Children Ages 4 - 11